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Study of Thermal and Ice Regimes of Hydroelectric Power Plant up- and Downstream During Reservoir Impounding

Author(s): N. S. Bakanovichus; I. N. Shatalina

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: The tasks of the report were the prediction of thermal and ice regimes of up- and downstream during impounding of hydroelectric power plant (HPP) reservoir for different dates of damming sluice ports. For calculations there have been planned two dates for beginning of HPP reservoir impounding. Autumn-winter impounding – in October and spring one – in March. Ice regime of Angara for the period before the beginning of reservoir impounding with determination of ice thickness, length of initial water opening were studied for every variant. After that the temperature and ice regimes of upstream and downstream of the hydro system with changes of water level for different climate parameters were calculated. The analysis results showed that to the moment of reservoir impounding up to predesigned elevation the water masses in the reservoir are considerably cooling. This result is the low temperature of water discharging into the downstream. To decide the reservoir impounding date we shall choose the variant with less complicated ice conditions in up- and downstream of HPP during impounding.


Year: 2012

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