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Performance on Inflow Forecasting Into Temengor Dam Using Integrated Flood Analysis System

Author(s): Mohd Idham Najid, Lariyah Mohd Sidek, Hidayah Basri, Azwin Razad, Mazlan Mohd Som

Linked Author(s): Mohd Idham Mohd Najid

Keywords: Hydrograph, integrated flood analysis system, hydrologic engineering centre-hydrologic modeling system, flood forecasting

Abstract: Nowadays, natural disaster like flood is of main concern for dam conservation as it can result in property damage and endanger lives. The prediction of flood is one of the keys in understanding its frequency of occurrence. This can be obtained using real-time rainfall, water level data of telemetry stations network and real-time forecasting. The selection of appropriate flood forecasting model needs to be based on systematic approach for flood mitigation and dam operation decision support system. The objective of this study is to optimize the flood preparation and flow response measure for dam reservoir. Inflow forecasting analysis and determination of hydrograph are carried out using Integrated Flood Analysis System (IFAS) and Hydrologic Engineering Centre-Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS). The comparison of IFAS and HEC-HMS shows that IFAS hydrograph is lower than that of HEC-HMS. The flow discharges generated by IFAS and HEC-HMS are found to be 505. 77 m3/s and 515. 2 m3/s, respectively. Similar location is used to compare each of the hydrograph and the hydrograph generated from modeling helps in determining the inflow that enters into the reservoir. It also provides lag time for the inflow before it enters into the outlet of the dam. Thus, this research finding helps in understanding that if a higher value is noticed for flow due to flooding, it can be reduced by early releasing of flow from the operational dam based on the information obtained from the values of hydrograph and lag time


Year: 2017

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