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Ventilation and Backfill Effect During Ice-Sloping Structure Interactions

Author(s): Wenjun Lu; Sveinung Loset; Raed Lubbad

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: The ice-sloping structure interaction process can be generally categorized into three different phases, saying the ice breaking phase, ice rotating phase and ice accumulation phase. Depending on how "dynamic" this process is, caution should be made on the fluid's influences on all these phases. During the ice breaking phase, the fluid has been widely considered as an elastic foundation (EF) in the formulation of ice beam/plate breaking calculations. Based on either analytical work or numerical work, several researchers pointed out the importance of the hydrodynamic effect of the fluid base. During the ice rotating phase, especially at high interaction speed, the ventilation phenomena becomes dominant. Moreover, at relatively low speed, there exists a competition between the ventilation and backfill process, thus complicating the whole procedure. In this paper, by utilizing the combined Eulerian and Lagrange (CEL) method, the hydrodynamic effect of the fluid base in both the ice breaking and ice rotating phase are studied with varying interaction speeds. It is found that it is important to take into account the hydrodynamic effect in the ice breaking phase, especially at low and high interaction speeds. The elastic foundation assumption works fine only at mediate interaction speed ranges. In the ice rotating phase, it is found that in various interaction speed ranges, considering both the ventilation and backfill phenomena are necessary for getting a complete, realistic and nonconservative loading history.


Year: 2012

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