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Assessing the Flood Dynamics of the Somerset Levels Using Telemac-2D

Author(s): David Glover, Shunqi Pan

Linked Author(s): David Glover

Keywords: Flood dynamics, TELEMAC, somerset levels, storm, computer modelling.

Abstract: This paper describes the development of 2-Dimensional (2D) computer models with algorithms, suitable for High Performance Computing (HPC), to study the flood dynamics in the flood prone regions, such as the Somerset Levels in the United Kingdom (UK). This study uses the open-sources code TELEMAC-2D as the modelling tool, by implementing various control devices into the model with the high-resolution unstructured mesh, so that the flood dynamics linking to the coastal and fluvial processes can be better understood and more accurately predicted. The model results are expected to be integrated into a decision support system for better coastal zone management in the UK. The development of different unstructured mesh designs and the comparison of initial results with Environment Agency (EA) flood maps is discussed. This study aims to meet and improve approaches towards EU Floods Directive 2007/60/EC regarding coastal flood risk and planning


Year: 2017

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