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Experimental Study on the Ice Overtopping of Breakwaters Due to Wave Action

Author(s): Norihiro Usami; Natsuhiko Otsuka; Yasuori Watanabe; Hiroshi Saeki

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Keywords: Ice overtopping; Ice floe; Breakwater

Abstract: In the winter of 1991 waves broke over the south breakwater at Abashiri harbor located in Hokkaido and bringing with them ice floes which overtopped the breakwater causing great damage to the oil pipelines behind the breakwater parapet, some harm to the dolphins behind the breakwater. The ice overtopping is a phenomenon observed simultaneously with the occurrence of wave overtopping, together with the motion of ice floes caused by waves. We show in our experiments the relation between ice floe size and amount of overtopped ice. We also show the amount of overtopped ice when they are varying sizes of floe.


Year: 2006

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