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Maximum Effective Pressure During Continuous Brittle Crushing of Ice

Author(s): Devinder S. Sodhi

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Keywords: Ice forces; Effective Pressure; Ice crushing process; Continuous Brittle Crushing

Abstract: After presenting a brief review of the ductile and brittle modes of ice crushing against a vertical structure, the discussion is focused on estimation of maximum forces (or effective pressure) during continuous brittle crushing by the use of a correlation length parameter and statistical arguments. The maximum effective pressure is found to depend on the average effective pressure on a wide structure, the aspect ratio of structure width to ice thickness and the ratio of ice thickness to correlation length parameter. The plots of maximum effective pressure versus nominal contact area (structure width x ice thickness) show a large scatter, as reported in the literature on ice mechanics. However, the plots of maximum effective pressure versus aspect ratio fall on the same curve without any scatter, indicating its importance in plotting data on effective pressure resulting from continuous brittle crushing.


Year: 2006

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