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Estimation of Spatial Flood Damage Costs in Jakarta, Indonesia

Author(s): Nurul F. Januriyadi, Sotephen G. Kazama, Idham R. Moe, Shuichi Kure

Linked Author(s): Nurul Fajar Januriyadi

Keywords: Asset value, inundation depth, Jakarta flooding, spatial map

Abstract: Flood is one of the natural disasters that gives great impact for human life and its occurrences has been increasing over the years. Floods also caused many damages, both tangible damage and intangible damage. There are many adaptation measures for reducing the flood damage, however for constructing or applying those needs a lot of funds. Therefore, we need to prioritize the flood adaptation measures. In this study, the methodology consists of two parts, flood inundation model and flood damage cost estimation. For asset value data of land use, we obtained some data from Indonesia statistic agency and the other data, we estimated it by comparing the global economic indicators of study site to the other countries. Results showed the expected annual flood damage costs are 595 million USD. Through this study, we can identify the locations with the first priority in applying flood adaptation measures


Year: 2017

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