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Simulation of Flow and Thermal Conditions Downstream of Limestone Generating Station

Author(s): Lianwu Liu; Hai Li; Hung Tao Shen; Bernard Shumilak

Linked Author(s): Hung Tao Shen

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: The Limestone Generating Station has a 1330 MW installed capacity. It is the largest hydroelectric station in Manitoba Hydro’s system. The station supplies a significant percentage of peak load. It is operated in a daily and/or weekly cycling mode. An anchor ice dam forms every winter in the Sundance Rapids area downstream of the station. The anchor ice forms in mid-November, thickens to 2-3 m by late January then decays as the weather warms. The anchor ice dam often stages the water level by more than 1m at the tailrace causing annual winter generation losses of $1 to 2 million. A coupled flow-temperature model is used to study the flow and ice formation characteristics in the Sundance Rapids area of relatively high velocity flow under the influence of cycling hydropower station outflows. The flow model is an explicit characteristic upwind finite element model for two-dimensional transitional flows. The dry-and-wet bed problem is treated by a simple robust approach.


Year: 2004

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