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Nonlinear Interaction of Shallow Water Wave with River Ice Covers

Author(s): X. Xia; H. T. Shen

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: The formation of closely spaced transverse cracks due to surge waves in river channels is a key mechanism in the formation of breakup ice runs. The existing linear theory indicated that transverse cracks spaced in the order of 10m could form with waves of very small amplitude. Such a phenomenon has not been observed in the field. In this paper, a nonlinear analysis of interaction between the surge wave and a floating ice cover in river channels is presented. The analysis shown, that the nonlinear tenns in the flow equation, which was neglected in the linear theory, is significant in highly unsteady flows such as surges caused by ice jam releases. An analytical solution of the nonlinear shallow water wave equation in the form of a KdV equation is obtained. Based on this solution the fracture of ice cover can be calculated. The calculated spacing between transverse cracks vary from 50m to a few hundred meters, which agrees with field observations.


Year: 2000

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