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Model Tests of an Arctic Tanker Concept for Loading Oil - Part I: Manoeuvring into Loading Position

Author(s): A. Jensen; S. Loset; J. Hellmann; O. T. Gudmestad; O. Ravndal

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: One of the keys to an efficient loading of oil in the Arctic offshore is probably a subsea solution where the interference with ice is at a minimum. Therefore an attempt to assess the performance of an Arctic Shuttle Barge System including a subsea mooring and loading terminal was done in model-scale in the Hamburg Ship Model Basin (HSVA) ice tank in 1999. The operational performance and forces exerted on the barge, the pusher and the mooring system, including a riser, were investigated. The system was pushed by the pusher through level ice or towed through level ice and pressure ridges by the mooring system. The latter simulated the moored condition in drifting ice. This paper describes the test set-up, procedures and performance of the concept when manoeuvring into the loading position in level ice.


Year: 2000

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