Author(s): Xianchen Shen
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Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: In the northeast rivers of China the length of freeze period is 3-6 months. The concentrations of volatile phenols in these rivers are much different in freeze and unfreeze. In general, the regularity was found, that is, average concentration of volatile phenols in freeze is larger than in cold period, which is much larger than in warm period at same station. In warm period it is 2 % - 5 % of freeze period only. The load reduction rate of them came to 97 % over after flowing of 98 km. The difference of these rates between warm and freeze periods can go 10 times. Ecological effects of volatile phenols are very serious in freeze period. In some stations a lot of dead fish was found when pollution accident of phenols appeared. In the fish bodies the content of them can come to 2.25 mglkg. The phenol toxicosis by drinking was found in special area. The cause analysis of phenol pollution in freeze was completed.
Year: 2000