Author(s): A. J. Gow
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Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: Both an indoor and outdoor ponds were used to fabricate freshwater and saline ice sheets that closely simulated their natural counterparts. Factors controlling the growth of SI and S2 type freshwater ice sheets were determined and a number of sheets of both ice type were fabricated in conjunction with beam tests to evaluate the effects of crystal size variation, c-axis orientation and the thermal state of the ice on its flexural strength. Saline ice studies, carried out in conjunction with an electromagnetic properties of sea ice research project included the fabrication of sheets of diverse ice type, including frazil/pancake ice, columnar-congelation ice progressing to mature first-year ice analogues, and ice sheets transitional to multiyear ice. Experimental details related to the growth history, structural characteristics, salinity, and thermal modification of saline ice sheets are presented.
Year: 1998