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Vertical Ice Forces and Aspect Ratio of Pile Diameter Vs Ice Thickness

Author(s): L. J. Zabilansky

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Marine structures that become frozen into an ice sheet are subjected to vertical ice forces as the ice sheet responds to changes in the water level. Typically this uplifting load governs the design of light-duty, pilefounded dock structures common in marinas. Hence, reducing the vertical ice loads will directly lead to lower costS for such structures. A passive technique to reduce the design load is the selection of the diameter of the pile used to support the dock. To quantify the benefit, a test series using four wooden pile diameters with different ice thicknesses was conducted using freshwater ice in the Refrigerated Test Basin at CRREL. Th. : ratio of pile diameter to ice thickness varied from 0.5 to 6.5 with a corresponding reduction of failure stress from 420 to 100 kPa. Also presented is an analysis of how the testing techniques commonly used to model the uplifting-ice-force process may influence the tesl results.


Year: 1998

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