Author(s): D. Milburn; T. D. Prowse
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Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: A stable ice cover is an important modifier of river hydraulics that can significantly influence sediment transportation, deposition and retention. Little research has been conducted on sediment retention in depositional zones and given that many envirorunental contaminants are associated with fine-grained sediments, their deposition and retention can have important ecological consequences. This paper explores the under-ice deposition offine-grained sediments and the possible influence ofsome envirorunental contaminants for a large northern delta---a key depositional feature of a river. Two sampling surveys were conducted in a range of distributary channels ofthe Slave River Delta, Northwest Territories, Canada, in 1997 to capture the pre-breakup and pre-freeze up time periods. Results show that there are seasonal and intra-delta gradients in physical sediment characteristics and associated contaminant levels. Suggestions for further research are presented.
Year: 1998