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1995 Ice Conditions in the Ob Bay in Western Siberia

Author(s): Denis Blanchet; Shankar Bhat; Goran Wilkman

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: During 1995, two jointly US/Russia organized expeditions were arranged to study the ice conditions in the Ob Bay. These expeditions represented the first comprehensive full-scale winter data collection program in this western Siberian region. The first expedition took place in January on board the icebreaker Kapitan Nikolaev. The icebreaker left Murmansk on December 29,1994 and arrived at Mys Karnennyi (Ob Bay) on January 4,1995. The voyage was completed 12 days later back to Murmansk on January II, 1995. During the voyage, data on ice conditions, meteorology, bathymetry and ship performance were collected. Satellite images were used to help with the navigation. This experimental voyage showed that it is quite feasible to extend the navigation season in this part of the world. The second expedition was carried out in April in order to collect data during the most representative months regarding ice design conditions. During the expedition, a helicopter was used for ice reconnaissance and transportation of personnel to research sites. One of the goals for the April expedition was to study how the ship track (channel) had changed during the winter. The research included measurements along the ship route such as the thickness of level ice, thickness of ridges, surface profile of the ice cover, mechanical properties of ice and bathymetry. The collection of ice data in April improved our understanding of the icebreaker performance and changes in ice conditions that had occurred between the two expeditions.


Year: 1998

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