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Stability of Thermodynamic Sea Ice Model on the Thermodynamic Forcing

Author(s): Qinzheng Liu; Shan Bai; Huiding Wu

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Abstract: Sea ice is one of the most variable and mobile component in temporal and spatial scales in climate system. It plays an important role in atmospheric circulation, oceanic circulation and climate change and in ocean-ice-atmosphere interactions. In order to understand the interactions between sea ice and climate, it is necessary to develop a suitable sea ice model for climate study. As one part of this research, a model with unbalanced heat budget on sea ice surface is presented and is compared with Hibler's model by simulation. The adjustmenting process of surface temperature and thickness of sea ice and the equilibrium are analyzed. The stability and sensitivity are tested numerically. It is shown that surface temperature and thickness adjust reciprocally and the time for reaching equilibrium is about hundreds of years. The adjusting process and the equilibrium are sensitive to thermodynamic forcing factors.


Year: 1998

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