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Arctic Structure Conceptual Designs

Author(s): Samuel J. Defranco; Denis Blanchet

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Over the last three years, Amoco has focused on the development of the Russian Arctic onshore hydrocarbon reserves. The pIan is to use an transportation system consisting of an offshore structure, submarine pipeline, and ice breaking tankers. Several conceptual designs of Arctic offshore production structures have been investigated. This paper discusses aspects of the conceptual design of a wide steel caisson steel strucrure with integrated hydrocarbon storage. The design methodology which was used is discussed in detail. The determination of the design ice load from the pressure versus area curve and associated optimal plate area (or actually the stiffener spacing) are also presented, and a comparison is made of the methodology used here to codified eiastic and partially plastic solutions. This approach was used by Amoco to design an oil structure for the Russian Kara Sea and allowed a cost savings of 30 to 50% through a significant reduction in steel weight.


Year: 1996

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