Author(s): Yanwei Sun; Yonghai Yu
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Keywords: Pack ice; Ice engineering; Nunerical simulation; Numerical analysis
Abstract: The water at Bayu Quan, Liaodong Gulf is covered by sea ice in winters. When the sea was filled with pack ice, the key factor for the keeping the power pIant operation regularly is to make the cycle water which is used to cut down the temperature of the main generators unblocked at the entrances of drawing-water front pool. This power plant is the only one which was built beside the ice covered sea area. In order to exactly and clearly analyze the interaction between the drawing-water structures and sea icc, the pack icc generation, growing, distxibution and mating in the drawing-water front pool and the icc effect on the drawing water in the heaviest winter, the ice conditions and its effect on the drawing water is calculated and analyzed in different situations 1Dlder the ·cases of the lowest water level and heaviest ice winter. The method of study and analysis, the achievement in this paper provide a reference for solving the problems ofsimilar drawing-water structures in the sea ice covered area.
Year: 1996