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Impact of Sea Ice on Navigation in Port

Author(s): Xihong Yang; Guihai Liu

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: In the statistical analyses of operational days in a port, the number of days in which the port operation is affected by physical conditions generally means the accumulated time in which the wind, rain, fog or wave conditions are in excess of the standard value. In the northern ports which are affected by drift ice, the impact of sea ice on port navigation is one of the important factors which can not be neglected. For an example, according to the statistics of the relevant data and information, the annual nonworking days is 60 days in the port of Yingkou located in the north part of Liaodong Bay, of which the non-working days caused by sea ice influence on port operation is 30 days, amounting to 50% of the total non-working days. In the port of Jinzhou, which is also located in the north part of Liaodong Bay, the annual non-working days is 53 days, in 36 of which port navigation is affected by sea ice, amounting to 68% of the total nonworking days.


Year: 1996

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