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Static Ice Loads on Hydroelectric Structures: Analyses and Predictive Approaches

Author(s): G. Comfort; R. Abdelnour; Y. Gong; A. Dinovitzer

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: A four-year field program was undertaken to measure ice loads on hydroelectric structures. The ice loads acting on the dam face were comprised of the residual load in the ice prior to any changes in water level and ice temperature, and the increases in load associated with rises in ice temperature and water level changes. Methods were developed to predict each load component. The total predicted loads bound the measured values when they are multiplied by factors of 1.3 and 1.8, for cases where loads due to water level changes are not and are included, repectively. The load distribution between the pier and gate was measured. When the maximum load on the gate occurred, the average line load over the full width of the pier was 2.4 times greater than that on the gate. The average ratio between the line load on the pier and that on the gate was 3.3 for all events in which the line load on the gate. exceeded 15 kN/m. Significant progress has been made towards the development of a detailed, quantitative understanding of static ice loads on hydro-electric structures, and the factors controlling them. Pre1. iminary ice load predictors have been developed which show reasonable agreement to the field data. However, further work is required before changes to current design practices can be recommended with confidence. Additional field data collection and numerical analyses are both recommended.


Year: 1996

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