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Dispatching Optimization for Winter Operation of the Xigou Hydropower Plant

Author(s): Difang Xiao; Dezhu Zhu; Shusheng Wen

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: The Xigou Hydropower Plant is located on the middle reach of the Gongbiela River, in the region with a high degree of cold, anq it is the largest hydropower station in Heilongjiang Province at Present. In winter of this region, the flow is seriously deficient, river may be frozen to the bottom of the channel. After construction completion of the Xigou Hydropower Station, outstanding abnormal changes of flow regime and river ice occurred in the downstream, and it led to serious ice-flood disaster. On the basis of anaIyzing the power generation in wInter, discharge flow graph, and the response to river ice in downstream for three years, a preliminary study on the dispatching optimization for winter operation of the Xigou Hydropower Plant is carried out in this paper. Only if the following measures are adopted, i. e. reasonably arrange the seasonal distribution of power generation and flow discharge; stagger the date of occurrence of peak discharge and the peak value of freeze-up period; and the generating unit would be under a low load operation for a long time period, etc., then it will obtain effective results for mitigation of ice calamity.


Year: 1996

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