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On the Relationship Between the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Sea Ice

Author(s): David M. Cole

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: This paper focuses on recent findings from laboratory and in-situ experiments that shed light on the relationship between the physical and mechanical properties of sea ice. The links between the elastic and anelastic (delayed elastic) components of strain and brine and gas porosities are examined and quantified. The elastic response is found to be a linear function of gas porosity, whereas the brine porosity has a complex influence on both the elastic and anelastic response. These effects are modeled and shown to produce predications that are in good agreement with experimental observations. The paper reviews the results of a recent program of large-scale in-situ experiments that show the significance of brine drainage structures in detennining scale effects on the fracture behavior of first-year sea ice. The topics of laboratory and field testing methods and the use of constant microstructure experiments also receive attention.


Year: 1996

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