Author(s): J. Weiss; E. M. Schulson
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Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: The failure of freshwater granular ice under mulliaxial compressive loading using solids platens was investigated at -10C, -20C and -40C at a strain-rate of 10-3 s-1. Two regimes were revealed: under lower confining ratios, the failure stress olf increases sharply with the confinement. .. whereas above a threshold value, sigma 1 is roughly constant Whether the deformation behaviour is macroscopically brittle or ductile depends upon the confining stress and the tempemture. An analysis of the low confinmement regime and of the brittle-to-ductile transition was performed in terms of the frictional crack sliding/wing crack mechanism. On the other hand, the saturation in the failure stress with increasing confinement is attributed to a mechanism specific to the boundary conditions and not to the ice per se.
Year: 1994