Author(s): H. Hautaniemi; M. Oksama; J. Multala; M. Lepparanta; K. Riska; O. Salmela
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Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: In the Baltic Sea the thickness of pack ice ranges through 0-30 m. Undeformed ice sheets which grow thermodynamically rarely exceed 1 m. Mechanical deformation produces rubble fields typically 1 to maybe 5 m thick and ridges normally 5-15 m and at maximum up to 30 m thick (LEPPARANTA am HAKALA, 1992). Mapping of the thickness of deformed ice is of primary interest In the region. This paper presents the results from an AEM ice thickness mapping campaign In the Baltic Sea using the system of the Geological Survey of Finland (GSF). Two flights were made in the Bay of Bothnia, the northernmost basin of the Baltic Sea in 1991-93. The surface truth consisted of routine ice charts and a specific calibration line. To our knowledge, this is the first AEM experiment to use a fixed wing aircraft for a sea ice thickness study.
Year: 1994