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Assessment of Variations of Level Ice Thickness with Its Multiyear Drift in the Arctic Basin

Author(s): Ye. U. Mironov

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: By the present time the drift trajectories of tens of multiyear floes, ice islands and the buoys, as well as of several vessels have been tracked in the Arctic basin. However, a vast majority of the recorded drifts has turned out to be short (less than 3 years), that is why they are not suitable to investigate typical features of the thickness variability of multiyear ice. Of the 29 Russian drifting stations "North Pole" only six drifted for a long time (more than three years). For the present work the most long-term and typical trajectories of the drifting stations were used: three Russian (NP-6, NP-19, NP-22) and two US stations (T-3 and Arlis-2).


Year: 1994

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