Author(s): W. A. Nixon; A. Kruger; T. G. Brown
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Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: The process of ice interacting with structures such as the Molikpaq is clearly dynamic in nature. Furthermore, the failure processes of the ice introduce significant non-linearities to the overall process. Such non-linear dynamic systems can produce both periodic and chaotic responses. By analysing the time series to determine the fractal dimension of the data, it is possible to determine whether the process is deterministic or random (stochastic). Further, the results of such analyses provide information which can be used to determine the adequacy of models of the processes being considered. Accordingly, the fractal dimension of time series data from the Molikpaq structure have been obtained using the correlation dimension method. The dimension obtained was small, being 0.43 in comparison with values of 4.1 to 4.9 obtained by Ettema et al. (1991) for icebreakers. This indicates that the process is deterministic rather than stochastic, and suggests that the system is of relatively low order.
Year: 1994