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A Method for the Calculation of Sheet Ice Loads on Sloping Structures

Author(s): K. R. Croasdale; A. B. Cammaert; M. Metge

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Structures in first-year ice are subject to ice loads from level sheet ice, pressure ridges and rubble fields. Wide ridges and rubble fields can be treated as a consolidated layer of level ice with additional forces due to the sail and keel resistance. This paper presents an analysiS for level ice acting on a sloping structure and is relevant to the forces caused by sheet ice and the consolidated layers of wide ridges and rubble fields in first-year ice. The method builds on the original two-dimensional analysis of Croasdale (1980) and incorporates adjustments for three-dimensional effects as well as in-plane compression. Also, the effects of ice rubble build-up in front of the structure are a ccounted for.


Year: 1994

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