Author(s): Wilfrid A. Nixon; Cheng-Hua Chung
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Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: The presence of ice on road surfaces causes many problems. The slippery nature of an ice-covered road means that the ice must be removed if relatively safe driving is to occur. However, the use of salt (the most pervasive de-icer) poses a large number of problems. Salt attacks pavements, bridges and automobiles, causing significant maintenance costs. Further, after the salt has melted the ice, it runs off into the ground water, causing environmental problems. Yet the existing alternatives to salt tend to be expensive or limited in applicability. Accordingly, steps must be taken to minimize the amount of salt used. One approach to such minimization is to improve the efficiency with which plows can remove ice. To this end, a tesl apparalus has been designed and built, and a series of tests run to invesligale lhe effecls of cutting edge geometry on scraping force. The test apparatus is described herein, along with some preliminary results.
Year: 1992