Author(s): R. Ettema; R. Crissman; D. Andres; R. Gerard
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Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: Accumulation of drifting ice, and the attendant threat of ice-jam formation, pose design and operation concems for many hydraulic structures in ice-prone rivers. Those concerns often require resolution by physical modeling. This paper discusses ice accumulation modeling in the context of designing a physical model to study ice accumulation in a complex flow field near a large water-diversion intake on the upper Niagara River. Key modeling issues and physical processes are considered, the minimal extent of the area to be modeled is delineated, and similitude criteria are identified and appraised. Practical constraints in this case required the use of an unrefrigerated and geometrically distorted model. The compromises considered in developing specifications for the model are discussed.
Year: 1992