Author(s): J. Schaefer; W. Nixon; R. Ettema
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Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: The University of Iowa's Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research (IIHR) has been steadily developing its ice research laboratory during the past thirty-plus years. IIHR constructed an early, and quite innovative, ice lab back in 1970, which was described by Kennedy (1970) during the first IAHR Ice Symposium, which was held in Reykjavik, Iceland. A second lab was constructed in 1980. In subsequent years, IIHR has constructed additional ice labs. The present paper presents a brief historical overview of IIHR's ice-lab development activities, indicating how its research directions have evolved, and presents and discusses some of the more important design features and considerations llHR adopted in the construction of its ice labs and the special experimental facilities they house. The research directions and activities reflect general trends in ice research, and the vagaries of sources for research funds, as well as the research interests of the several researchers who have worked in the ice labs. llHR's present ice research facilities, though relatively compact and modest in scale, are as diverse as can be found at virtually any other organization conducting ice research. Its facilities include: ice-towing tank, refrigerated flume, an MTS strength-testing rig and other strength-testing rigs, an icing windtunnel, a small ice tank for investigating fundamental aspects of ice behavior, an instrumented snow plow fitted to a 25-ton truck, and a floormounted, high-speed ice-scraping rig.
Year: 1992