Author(s): Zanting Chen; Sujuan Ke
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Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: This paper deals with the ice characteristics, ice disasters. preventing measures. and application of ice model to optimal regulation of Sanmenxia reservoir for ice prevention on the lower Yellow River. Regulation of Sanmenxia reservoir is an effective ice preventing measure, it plays an important role combined with the ice forecasting. In the lower Yellow River freeze-up is unstable. In some years, three times of freeze-up and break-up occurred and in a few years no freeze-up happened. The variation of ice condition is very complex. According to thermal equilibrium and hydraulic theory combined with experience, an ice model was established that can be used for ice forecasting and regulating Sanmenxia reservoir for ice prevention. A method of optimal Sanmenxia reservoir regulation for ice prevention is brought forward. A good result was obtained.
Year: 1992