Author(s): V. I. Kvon; S. V. Dumnov
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Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: The ice cover formation in a water body leads to the essential changes in current behavior, heat and gas exchange with atmosphere, and in some other hydrophysical and ecological processes. Therefore the modeling of annual changes of hydrophysical processes in a demictic lake is incomplete and likely avoid of sense if the ice cover formation and development is not take into account. A development of the numerical model of ice cover formation in a deep stagnation water body was the aim of our investigation the results of which are presented in this paper. The approach suggested in [1 ] is used for modeling of the ice cover formation. But in the presented paper the assumption of a weak temperature variation along the depth is withdrawn. It permits to more exactly formulate the boundary conditions at the free surface and also at the water-ice interface. Besides, in contrast with [1] several changes were made in a set of the problem which connected with the calculation of the heat flux components through the water-air, water-ice, and ice-air interface.
Year: 1990