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Experience with a Chemically-Doped Fine-Grained Model Ice

Author(s): R. Jalonen; L. Ilves

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Abstract: In 1994 the Administration of Helsinki University of Technology (HUT) decided to rebuild the 40 mx 40 m manoeuvring and seakeeping basin of the Ship Laboratory to an ice model basin. At that time, several different model ice materials were in use at various ice model laboratories around the world. However, these materials didn't simulate the physical properties of sea ice extremely well. Thus, special attention had to be paid to the selection of a proper model ice type for the new basin. After studies of literature and preliminary test series in two small basins with some novel model ice materials it was decided to continue tests with a granular model ice type. This model ice type seemed to offer the best possibilities to improve the level of ice model testing technology. The new model ice is based on a solution of ethanol (-0.50%). It breaks in a brittle manner and thus provides a realistic breaking pattern. Tests with this new model ice (GE-ice) were started in the large ice model basin of AORC in the autumn, 1989. Presented here are the development process of the GE-ice and some of the latest test results describing the properties of this new material.


Year: 1990

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