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Apparent Friction Coefficient Between Steel and Ice Under High Contact Pressure

Author(s): Kunio Enoki; Naoki Nakazawa; Takao Ueda; Hiroshi Saeki

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: The coefficient of friction between a steel plate moved in a horizontal direction while pressed vertically at a high contact pressure against a thin block of fresh water ice restrained against volumetric expansion at both sides was investigated. As the horizontal force is a combination of the bulldozing force necessary to abrade the surface of the ice and the pure friction force, this friction coefficient is called the apparent friction coefficient. First, the settlement of the plate into the ice under conditions of high contact pressure and the yield strength of the ice were measured; then the dependence of apparent friction coefficient on ice temperature, cotact force and settlement were determined. Finally, apparent friction force was resolved into its components of actual friction force and bulldozing force.


Year: 1990

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