Author(s): A. R. Foroughi
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Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: During the last decade much attention has been given to the problem involving ice loads and ice forces on offshore structures for North latitude. The amount of experimental data especially from full-scale test are long, and the available data are characterised by various deficiencies which make them difficult to use directly for design or verification of analytical methods. Because of the uncertainties in mechanical properties of ice which are so complex no analytical methods of estimating forces is likely to be fully accepted without a considerable amount of support from full-scale measurements and evaluation of structure performance. Therefore, the number of variables and sources of uncertainties influencing ice forces are so great that field data alone cannot be accepted to give enough information for design unless they can be fitted into a logical analytical framework. The calculations are mainly restricted to consideration of horizontal forces on tower cr conical offshore structure, also should mention that vertical forces components are important in the case of sloping structures. Most strength and pressure data are quoted in KN/m2 only. This paper presents horizontal forces compared for the 5 original methods. Results of example calculations are presented, and analysed.
Year: 1990