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Results from Indentation Tests on Freshwater Ice

Author(s): Devinder S. . Sodhi; Naoki Nakazawa

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Indentation tests were performed by pushing vertical, flat indentors of 50- and 100-mm widths into freshwater columnar ice of different thicknesses (25-60 mm) at different velocities (1-9 mm s). Extensive data on forces, displacements and acoustic emissions were recorded, and some of these are presented in this paper. Depending on the velocity of the indentor, ductile or brittle behavior of ice was observed. A few attempts to measure the pressure at the interface during ice crushing indicated a uniform pressure distribution. Later in the program, the interaction forces were measured at the ice-structure interface by supporting indentor plates on three load cells. With this system, the points of action of the resultant forces were found to be in the center of the contact area, indicating a uniform pressure distribution.


Year: 1988

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