Author(s): Katsuyosi Takekuma; Yoshio Kayo
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Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: A new ice model basin was constructed in 1986 in the Nagasaki Experimental Tank of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI). As a part of evaluation test program of its performance, some comparative model tests for a cone, two circular cylinders and an icebreaker model were conducted between Mitsubishi and the ice model basin of the Hamburgische Schiffbau-Versuchsanstalt GmbH (HSVA). The present paper describes the properties of model ice in MHI such as uniformity and repeatability of ice thickness and its strength. Then the test results between MHI and HSVA on the models above were compared. Good agreements were obtained for total resistance in ice by both ice tanks on every structure model and the icebreaker model tested. In these model tests, urea-doped model ice is used prepared by a kind of forced convection method similar to that of HSVA. It may be considered that model tests made in different ice model basins seem to yield similar results when the model ices are similar in its strength properties to one another.
Year: 1988