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Conceptual Design of Multipurpose Structure in Ice Covered Sea

Author(s): Kazumasa Inoue; Takayoshi Ota; Hiroshi Nishiumi; Tadashi Kanzaki

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Several research and development programs are under consideration in the northeast coast of Hokkaido facing the Okhotsk Sea. A multipurpose structure equipped with various instruments for research of oceanographical and sea ice characteristics is required in order to realize these programs. Conceptual design of this structure is proposed for the site about 4 km offshore in water about 30 m deep. The superstructure consists of several decks made of steel. The substructure is of the concrete gravity type which copes well with severe sea environments. The shapes and dimensions of the substructure are properly determined so as not only to minimize wave and ice forces after installation but also to ensure adequate hydrostatic stability during tow and installation. Steel skirts are arranged at the bottom of the substructure and grouting is carried out after touch-down to ensure the safety of the foundation. Design is conducted based on the limit state design method in order to ensure structual integrity and overall safety of the structure for the environmental loads of the site. Examinations are made for phases of construction, tow, installation and operation. Analyses of overall stability of the structure and structural members for phase of opereation are conducted against environmental loads, principally wave and ice forces. Various types of ice forces including ice impact and ice/wave Interaction are discussed here. Stress analysis of the column against global and local contact pressures due to ice force is also shown.


Year: 1988

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