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Hydraulics of Ice Jam Development

Author(s): I. Mayer; C. Starosolszky

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: The hydraulics of ice floes arrested in the channel, the build-up of ice jams, the determination of the dimensions of developed ice jams are dealt with. A method is proposed to study analytically the behaviour of ice-floes arriving at an ice cover and of the ice cover itself. Relationships are introduced for calculating the limit position of an ice floe tilting or drifting under the ice cover, further of the equilibrium thickness of ice jams developing by submersion. Pressure diagrams determined by wind-channel tests serve as the basis of the functional relationships between the length, thickness and roughness of the ice floe and the limit position of tilting. Measurements have shown that the ice floe most liable to cause ice jam build-up has a length in the flow direction comparable to the thickness of the ice cover, a small thickness and maximum roughness on the bottom side.


Year: 1988

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