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Ice Growth Modelling for Icing Control Purpose of Offshore Marine Units Employed by the Petroleum Industry

Author(s): Raffaele Romagnoli

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: An original package has been assembled in order to analyze and to control the icing phenomena (hampering the operations and reducing the personnel safety) which is of particular concern the marine units currently employed by the offshore oil industry. Particular care has been devoted both to the anti-icing task and to the de-icing task while the offshore oil research and/or production activities are in progress (active countermeasures). Careful optimization and calibration stages have been performed on the basis of real data, available also from the literature. The global system has been assembled with the purpose of allowing easy installation on any unit employed by the offshore oil industry. The paper is also a result of a research which is still in progress at the Politecnico di Torino (Italy), concerning the safety aspects of the offshore oil research.


Year: 1988

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