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Modeling Ice Restraint Forces in an Ice Boom

Author(s): Roscoe E. Perham

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: A model of the ice restraint forces in a floating ice boom having rectangular cross-sectional boom units has been developed. By knowing the boom unit dimensions, buoyancy, and anchor characteristics, one can predict the boom’s ability to restrain ice up to certain force levels. In operation, a boom unit tends to be upset by the force coupling that develops between ice forces and structure forces that generally are not collinear; the rectangular unit resists being overturned by virtue of its righting moment that increases with tilt, up to a limit. The model is very important now that alternative materials to replace Douglas fir in the boom unit show more economic and technical promise. For the first time an ice boom can be designed and engineered in a fully comprehensive manner. Ice restraint forces and righting moments are given in dimensionless terms, F r * and M*, respectively, as Fr* = M*2p/G where p and G relate to the geometry of interaction between the boom unit, the ice and the structure. Laboratory tests show that the model yields conservative values of ice restraint capacity, i. e. minimums for a prototype.


Year: 1988

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