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A Laboratory Study of Flow in an Ice-Covered Sand Bed Channel

Author(s): James L. Wuebben

Linked Author(s): James Wuebben

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: The objective of this study was to examine the effects of adding an ice cover to flow in a movable bed channel. A series of five tests at four water discharges were conducted in a 36-m-long recirculating flume facility that is 1.2 m wide and 0.6 m deep. After uniform, equilibrium conditions were established for a flow of water with a free surface, essentially identical runs were repeated with the addition of smooth and rough ice covers. All tests were run at room temperature, approximately 19°C, with simulated ice covers. The sediment was a uniform, 0.45-mm-diameter quartz sand and bed forms were in the ripple and dune regimes. The major variables examined in this paper include bed form height, wavelength, Manning's roughness and sediment discharge. Based on the characteristics of the total flow, the addition of an ice cover was found to increase water depth and reduce velocities and bed shear. Analysis of the data indicated a reduction in sediment transport, bed roughness and bed form height but an increase in bed form wavelength. An intriguing observation was that, in contrast to rigid channels, it appears that the addition of an ice cover will tend to change the bed and energy slopes of the system.


Year: 1986

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