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Full-Thickness Sea Ice Strength Tests

Author(s): J. Lee; T. D. Ralston; D. H. Petrie

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Twelve field tests were conducted near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska during the winter of 1980/81 to measure the full-thickness strength of annual sea ice. Each test was conducted at a constant strain rate and the ice temperature distribution and crystallography were documented. The test program consisted of six uniaxial compression tests, three indentation tests, and one splitting test on natural-temperature sea ice, and two uniaxial compression tests on artificially heated ice blocks. All tests were conducted on full-thickness sea ice. Small sample blocks were also collected at each field test location for a companion small-scale laboratory ice strength test program. This paper describes the field test procedures and briefly presents the test results including the measured ice strength, strain rate, temperature, salinity, and crystallographic structure of the ice for each test.


Year: 1986

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