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Investigation of Ice Navigation Properties of Icebreakers and Organization of Icebreaking Operations in River Basins

Author(s): V. A. Tronin; A. S. Polyakov; V. A. Malinovsky

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Among the factors determining the scope and efficiency of the work aimed at extending the navigation season, the most important ones are the number of icebreaking means to be used, their ice navigation properties and their utilization techniques. In recent years a series of new powerful icebreakers has been added to the USSR river icebreaker fleet. The ice navigation properties of icebreakers are being studied in different ice and route conditions; a search for developing a rational technology of icebreaking operations is being conducted which takes into consideration hydrological factors and commercial objectives. The results of the above-mentioned research are discussed in this paper.


Year: 1986

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