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Stability of Flows Below a Floating Cover

Author(s): J. C. Tatinclaux; M. Gogus

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Results of an experimental investigation on the stability criteria of floes beneath a floating cover are presented. The form of the stability criterion is similar to that proposed by previous investigators and expresses the critical densimetric Froude number for floe instability, based on the average velocity below the cover and floe thickness, in terms of the floe aspect ratio (thickness/length). However, the values of the empirical coefficients present in the equation were determined from experiments. The experiments were conducted in a laboratory flume for various upstream flow conditions of depth and discharge, and different roughness conditions of the cover and flume bed. It is suggested that the stability criterion obtained for smooth cover and smooth bed be also adopted for other roughness conditions, since it also represents the lower stability limit observed in the case of very rough cover with floe initially at rest on the cover underside.


Year: 1981

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