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Computation of Trajectories of Ice Floes Movement on the Rivers

Author(s): O. I. Gordeev; V. V. Degtyarev

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: This paper deals with the principal elements of a mathematical model of the movement of separate ice floes on the river stretches having the pre-set flow velocity field. Herein, one can find recommendations for calculating hydrodynamical and aerodynamical forces acting on ice floes, characteristics of their’’associated masses’’ as well as other values included in the equations of ice floes movement. The paper presents the results of the comparison of computation data obtained due to the use of the mathematical model recommended with those of the field data obtained while measuring the parameters of ice floe movement on one of the river sections in Siberia. The authors believe that the results obtained can be of use for the computation of hydro-technical structures of spring flow regulation on the river sections with complex plane configuration when it is necessary to determine the trajectories and velocities of ice floes.


Year: 1981

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