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Ice Arching and the Drift of Pack Ice Through Channels

Author(s): D. S. Sodhi; W. F. Weeks

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Models originally developed to describe the arching and the movement of granular materials through hoppers or chutes are applied to arching and drift of pack ice in straits and gulfs having lengths of 50 to 500 km. Verification of the usefulness of the models is attempted by making comparisons with ice deformation patterns as observed via satellite imagery in the Bering Strait region and in the Amundsen Gulf. The results are encouraging in that there is good correspondence between observed arching and lead patterns and those predicted by theory. In addition. Values determined via the model for the angle of internal friction (30 to 35 degrees) and the cohesive strength per unit thickness (2000 N/m) are similar to values obtained by other approaches. It is estimated that if the wind velocity parallel to the Bering Strait exceeds 6 m/s, there will be ice flow through the strait. A one-dimensional formulation is presented governing the ice pressure in a straight channel when the ice is stationary due to an ice arch or a boom.


Year: 1978

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