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Two-Dimensional Oil Spill Modelling for Coastal Waters

Author(s): Lavine Wong, Mohamad Hidayat Jamal, Ahmad Khairi Abd Wahab

Linked Author(s): Lavine Wong

Keywords: Oil spill, Port of Tanjung Pelepas (PTP), spill trajectory, numerical model, Telemac2D.

Abstract: Oil tanker accidents in seas cause serious problems to the marine environment, in particular when these accidents occur close to the estuary coastlines. The rate and importance of the processes change of a spilled oil depend on the oil spill volume, oil spill location, oil type, the speed and direction of wind and sea currents. Port of Tanjung Pelepas (PTP) being among the busiest port in Southeast Asia is located at the estuary of Pulai River and therefore subjected to oil spill occurrence although it may not be frequent. The objective of this study is to generate a trajectory for hypothetical spill accident at the river mouth and navigation channel and to determine the direction and percentage balance of spill trajectory using a numerical simulation method. The hydrodynamic modelling is calibrated and validated using tide and current data and the computed tide elevations and currents are in agreement with the field data. The hydrodynamic model is coupled with an oil spill model to predict the movement of oil slick on the surface. The observed spill trajectory is driven by current velocity and moves westwards in the estuary and 40 percent of the oil particles are left stranded after the simulated period of 36 hours. The prediction of the movement of spill is important so that the response team of PTP is able to initiate quick measures before further spreading of the oil in the area


Year: 2017

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