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Pull Out Capacity of Submerged Gabions

Author(s): Srineash Vijaya Kumar, Murali Kantharaj

Linked Author(s): Kantharaj Murali

Keywords: Gabions, porosity, stability, friction coefficient, pull-out.

Abstract: Gabions are being used in wave environment to prevent coastal erosion. Gabion being porous in nature helps in energy dissipation. It is essential to know the engineering properties of gabions for its real-time application and design. The gabions may be used as an artificial reef, groynes, or a breakwater; the idea of forces required to displace the gabions is essential to study the stability characteristics. The ease of construction and shorter span of installation makes gabion apt for wave dominated coastal environment. Further it has been reported in literatures that gabions promote marine life in its vicinity, hence use of gabions may be considered as environmentally friendly engineering approach. The present study involves determination of minimum force required to displace an individual gabion arranged as a coastal structure. The pull-out tests are carried out at the Wave Flume facilities in the Department of Ocean Engineering, IIT Madras. Further, the pull out tests helps to determine the friction properties and the influence of stacking method on gabions. For the experimental study, scaled gabion models are used with a scale ratio of 1: 20. The optimum stacking arrangement based on the friction coefficient will be brought out in the study


Year: 2017

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