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Turbulence Flow Field and Local Scour Around Three-Pier Group

Author(s): Jennifer G. Duan; Kang Zhou

Linked Author(s): Jennifer G. Duan

Keywords: Local scour; Horseshoe vortex; Multiple pier group; Flow field; Turbulence; Tandem piers; Staggered piers

Abstract: This paper presented the experimental results of flow field measurements using Acoustic Doppler Vectrino Profiler around a three-pier group. The piers were spaced at one and five times the pier diameter, and the attacking angles were set at 0 and 30o, respectively, to study the effect of pier spacing and attack angle on turbulence flow field. The distribution of flow velocity vectors and turbulence intensities were analyzed in both the horizontal and vertical planes. A strong sheltering effect from the upstream pier in a tandem alignment was observed when piers spacing is small. The horseshoe vortices around the middle and downstream piers were enhanced when the piers were in a staggered alignment. The distributions of bed shear stress showed that when the scour reached equilibrium, bed shear stress in the scour hole is smaller than that of the approaching flow.


Year: 2023

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